Transforming Data into Growth with Keyideas AI

The Confident Factor

Gain insights into the cognitive and emotional underpinnings of your clients' decision-making processes.

The Psychology Behind Decision Processes

At Keyideas AI, we specialize in empowering sales engineers and their leaders with cutting-edge tools and strategies for navigating complex B2B tech sales. Our unique workshop, "The Psychology Behind Decision Processes," delves into the neuro-psychoanalytic principles that underlie buying decisions, offering a rare blend of psychological insight and practical sales strategies.

About the Workshop

This workshop, led by Dr. Amir Kahani, deep dives into the often-overlooked emotional and cognitive factors that influence buyers' decisions.

Over two full days, we unravel the complexities of the human psyche that impact buying behaviors, equipping sales engineers and their leaders with a revolutionary approach to pre-sales and value-based selling.

Decoding Decision-Making

The heart of our workshop is the exploration of neuro-psychoanalysis in sales, a field that examines how unconscious thoughts and feelings influence decision-making. The workshop outcomes include:

  • Learn to identify the unconscious anxieties and stresses that buyers might not even be aware of.

  • Craft more compelling value propositions that resonate on both logical and emotional levels.

  • Gain a tool to map out and influence the buyer's journey effectively.

  • Develop skills to detect and interpret the subtle psychological cues of your clients.

  • Align your approach more closely with the complex realities of client decision-making.

  • Adopt an understanding of buyer psychology beyond traditional selling points.

The Power of Psychology

Transform your sales approach with the unparalleled insights from our "The Psychology Behind Decision Processes" workshop.

Discover how to harness the power of psychology in your sales strategy for deeper client connections and more successful outcomes.